#LittleAmericanThings: These 5 Women Will Make You Appreciate Your American Holidays Even More

Family. Friends. Community. Our entire #LittleAmericanThings experience has shown us that it’s our deep-rooted care for one another that actually makes us who we are.
So it comes to no surprise that, in a culture that celebrates kinship and family ties so much, holidays are especially tough when you’re not surrounded by those you love the most.
Halloween in Spring? No Thanksgiving? Not going all out with your Christmas decorations?
No fireworks with our loved ones on the 4th of July?
There’s a lot we take for granted that’s so very American - yet you only realize it once you’re living someplace else. But if you’re ready to reach new levels of gratitude regarding your holidays, look no further. Our 5 expats will get you all excited about Santa all over again.

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