Circumstances may find you spending a lot more time at home with your family. While you typically long for precious time like this, you might feel that this new extreme togetherness is starting to put your family at odds with each other a little too often.
If you’re accustomed to heading out to work every day and your new “office” is a corner of the laundry room, or a walk-in closet, or the kitchen table, it can be difficult to feel positive and productive while surrounded by the constant clatter and clutter of kids, dishes, dogs, and a beeping microwave.
Your new normal requires you to have the patience of a saint, a laser-like ability to focus, and the creative mind of a six-year-old to keep your kids happily occupied.
Times like these challenge the best of us. Award yourself 5 stars and consider adopting the techniques of Montessori at Home and Positive Discipline courtesy of Ama, a Montessori guide and positive discipline parent educator.
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