When Mom Is No Longer Here: Seyi and Bunmi

This video is part of Shapermint’s #WhatSheTaughtMe Mother’s Month campaign, tributing mother figures’ wisdom. How did your own mom shape the self-image you have today? Share with #WhatSheTaughtMe on social media - we’ll be donating $1 to HelpAMotherOut.org for every story shared during May. Click here to learn more about #WhatSheTaughtMe.
May can be a tough month for those of us who’ve lost our mothers. Media, friends, stores, gifts, ads… everything and everyone seems adamant of reminding us what we’re missing.
But take Seyi and Bunmi’s example. Their mom sadly passed away three years ago and, this year, the sisters sat down with us to honor and remember her everlasting presence in their lives - and the lessons she left behind, still creating their mark today.

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